Executive Skills College is a wholly owned Zimbabwean company registered in 1996 in terms of the Zimbabwean Companies Act, Chapter 24. Executive Skills College is engaged in the provision of educational tuition in portfolios of academic and technical skills. the disadvantaged groupings like orphans etc.


To be recognized as the leading and the most preferred ‘One-Stop’ Technically empowering educational entity in Southern Africa. OUR MISSION
To provide premium academic and technical tuition through the practice of INTERGRITY, PROFESSIONALISM AND EXCELLENCE.


We pride ourselves with a quick turnaround in everything we do. Today, the Education and training business environment is so dynamic and turbulent that any delay in execution is a cost to business. We thus strive to reduce execution cycles to a minimum. We are young dynamic, vibrant and responsive.


Integrity : We act with integrity which we define as uprightness in character. Professionalism : We uphold professionalism through exhibiting expertise and fairness in our dealings. Excellence : We strive for excellence as we seek to be exceptional in all our dealings.   


Ethics : We are truthful and honest with our students and employees. Customization : We add value to our individual client’s/students by giving each a Personalized solution.


Executive Skills College prepares students for University and Tertiary Education, Employment and Entrepreneurship. We have strong academic environment stressing individual goal setting and achievement. We have a dynamic, diverse community of teaching professionals working collaboratively, innovating and inspiring each other and their students. Staff gets to know students intellectually developmentally and culturally.
We use variety of assessment to get the fullest picture of student learning and growth over time. This data is analysed regularly and form the basis of how we understand and improve students, teacher and administrator performance. Parents or guardians are partners with us in supporting their children’s education, and we communicate effectively so that parents or guardians are confident of the response to their children’s circumstances and needs.

Corporate Details


Company Name: Executive Skills College (Private) Limited Registration Number : 1937/96

Operating Address: 4th Floor, Boka Islip Building Corner Park Street And Samora Machel Avenue, Harare, Zimbabwe.

Contact Numbers: +263 773 546 927/+263773245548

Email Address: enquiries@executiveskillscollege.co.zw

International Accreditation Organization - IAO